Stephen MacGillivray Photojournalist

scrap yard fire

Fredericton Fire Fighters responded to a raging fire of stacks of cars at Gallants Scrap Yard on the North side of the city in Fredericton, NB, November 5, 2000. The closest hydrant is a kilometer away meaning firefighters had to truck in the water needed to fight the suspicious blaze that is under investigation by the department. Here Fredericton Firefighter Greg Billings gives the thumbs up for more pressure. Below Fredericton Firefighter Tim Pomeroy helps to fight the blaze with water and foam.

scrap yard blaze

The top photograph ran front page in the Daily Gleaner, the middle photo ran front page in The Telegraph Journal through the Canadian Press wire service, and the bottom photo ran in the Globe and Mail also via CP.

endless flame

main page
Tire Fire
Little Water
Fried Fish
Home Lost
Hidden Flames
Ghostly image
War Zone

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